Plates that are not for sharing or: No, I’m not going to finish that but neither can you


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One of the tasks that I set for myself this semester was to make functional ware that is conceptually charged. We potters often attach somewhat romantic fantasies to our motives, wherein we envision our pots going on to fulfill roles … Continue reading

ohioclaytestI tested some Ohio clay this semester. This sample is from Furnace Run, a tributary of the Cuyahoga River. This (admittedly bad) photo shows the sample when fired to cone 6 (around 2232 degrees Fahrenheit) oxidation. Surprisingly, the clay shows every indication of being able to go higher in temperature, something which most wild, surface clays cannot do. It is biscuity, absorbent, and powdery–when I run my finger over the surface, I come away with fine dust on my fingertips. The color is quite beautiful, a sort of mocha with purple undertones. When raw, the color is slate blue. Next weekend, I will take it to cone 10, around 2345 degrees Fahrenheit, and then we’ll know more about the limits of this material.